"I found contentment in my identity and clarity in my life’s mission as people raised forks to their mouths and lowered them back to tables." Beautiful, comrade!

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You are a person after my mother’s heart. She believes in dessert as often as possible even if it’s a peppermint candy. My grandfather taught us moderation. We can have cake but don’t eat the whole thing. Sharing is caring. I don’t see you as fat. You’re robust.

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I love this piece, Andrew. Breaking bread with our people is so spiritually nourishing and politically powerful. And I like how the cake put you back in your happy body after the doctor's visit. I always get a donut after a dentist appointment for the same reason!

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Beautiful thoughts Minister Andrew, life’s intersections with family and friends is the fuel designed by God to support His vision for us! By allowing the small moments of life to be the tugboat of strength we need to move forward in joy, peace, & love ❤️

Grow In Christ,

OM Jackson

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